
本公司榮獲國家經濟部100年協助傳統產業技術專案 Qua l i t y I SO 9001 EXCELLENCE TAIWAN

公司簡介 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF GUANG DAR ............................................................................................B 標準型永磁盤 PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GL TYPE .................................................................................01 細目型永磁盤 FINE-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GLW-A TYPE ......................................................02 可傾式永磁盤 PERMANENT MAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK GLU-B TYPE ..........................................................02 圓型永磁盤 ROUND PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GLC TYPE ...................................................................03 圓型細目永磁盤 ROUND FINE-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GLC-A TYPE .....................................03 強力圓型星形永久磁盤 POWERFUL ROUND STAR-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GLC-S TYPE .....04 鐵板分離器 MAGNETIC STEEL SHEET SEPERATOR GS TYPE .........................................................................04 標準型(強力型)磁性座 MAGNETIC BASE GMB & GMB-S TYPE .........................................................................05 圓型電磁盤 ROUND ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GIC TYPE ...........................................................................06 標準(強力)磁座 STANDARD (POWERFUL) PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GLW-C TYPE ..........................07 永磁電磁盤及控制器 PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK AND CHUCK CONTROLLER GLI & GDS TYPE ....08 永磁式電磁盤(規格表) PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK (SPECIFICATIONS) ..................................09 細目型永磁電磁盤 FINE-POLE PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GLIW TYPE ................................10 極細目型永磁電磁盤 FINE-LINE PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GLIW-A TYPE ...........................10 標準型永磁電磁盤 Standard PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GLII TYPE ...................................11 永磁式磁力工作塊 MAGNETIC BLOCK UNIT GMV-S AND GMV-SD TYPE ..........................................................12 標準型電磁盤 STANDARD ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GI TYPE ...................................................................13 超強力型電磁盤 SUPER POWERFUL ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GLEA TYPE ...........................................14 強力型電磁盤 POWERFUL ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GLZ TYPE ...............................................................15 細目型電磁盤 FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GIW TYPE .................................................................16 極細目型電磁盤 FINE-LINE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GIW-A TYPE ...........................................................16 橫向細目型電磁盤 TRANSVERSE FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK GIWE TYPE ..............................17 超硬合金用永磁盤 PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK FOR HARD ALLOY GLMR TYPE ....................................17 標準可傾式電磁盤 STANDARD ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK GLUW-B TYPE ..................................18 細目可傾式電磁盤 FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK GLUW-A TYPE ...................................18 極細目可傾式電磁盤 FINE-LINE ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK GLUW-AA TYPE ...............................18 導磁塊 MAGNETIC INDUCTION BLOCK GT TYPE ...............................................................................................19 電丸 ELECTROMAGNETIC HOLDER GR-A TYPE ...............................................................................................19 整流器 CHUCK CONTROLLER GD-202 TYPE ......................................................................................................20 整流器 CHUCK CONTROLLER G805 TYPE ..........................................................................................................20 整流器 CHUCK CONTROLLER GD-201 & G905 TYPE .........................................................................................21 整流器 CHUCK CONTROLLER GD-3 TYPE ..........................................................................................................21 標準型脫磁器 STANDARD DEMAGNETIZER GMD-3 TYPE .................................................................................22 強力型脫磁器 POWERFUL DEMAGNETIZER GMD-2 TYPE ................................................................................22 隧道式脫磁器及充磁器 TUNNEL-TYPE MAGNETIZER & DEMAGNETIZER GMD- TYPE ............................23 砂布研磨機專用磁盤 PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK GB-1 TYPE ..................................................................24 防水型專用脫磁器 WATERPROOF DEMAGNETIZER GMD-5 TYPE ....................................................................24 真空吸盤及真空控制器 VACUUM CHUCK AND VACUUM CONTROLLER GJS TYPE ........................................25 無段旋轉磁盤 MOTORIZED ROTARY MAGNETIC CHUCK GJR TYPE ................................................................26 磁鐵濾清機 MAGNETIC SEPARATOR GMC TYPE ...............................................................................................27 鐵屑分離磁盤 MAGNETIC SEPARATOR GB TYPE ...............................................................................................28 永久磁性滾輪 MAGNETIC ROLLER GR TYPE ......................................................................................................28 除屑磁力棒 MAGNETIC BAR SEPARATOR ..........................................................................................................29 鐵屑清除棒 MAGNETIC REMOVER 棒(BAR)型GMSP & 手提(HAND)型 GK TYPE ..........................................29 開關式永久吊盤 ON/OFF TYPE PERMANENT MAGNETIC LIFTER GPL TYPE ..................................................30 開關式永吊盤負載圖表 LOAD OF HOLDING POWER GPL TYPE ........................................................................31 凸輪式永久吊重磁盤 CAM TYPE PERMANENT MAGNETIC LIFTER GP TYPE ...................................................32 電池式吊重磁盤 BATTERY TYPE MAGNETIC LIFTER GM TYPE ........................................................................32 手提式吊盤 CAM TYPE MAGNETIC LIFTER GP-15 TYPE ..................................................................................33 強力磁性掛勾 STRONG MAGNETIC HOOKS GMH TYPE ...................................................................................33 代客訂製永磁 CUSTOMIZATION FOR PERMANENT MAGNET ...........................................................................34 小型強磁磁塊 MAGNETIC HOLDER .....................................................................................................................34

光達磁性工業創立於民國55年(西元1966年)。初期以「光達鐵工廠」為公司名稱,主要產品為永久磁力 盤。隨著磨床業的需求發展大型機床,於民國60年(西元1971年)研發出第一代電氣式磁盤,廣受各廠商的青睞 及好評。 民國61年(西元1972年)因規模擴大,將公司名稱改為「光達工業社」。民國66年(西元1977年)研發出第 一代鉋床及銑床用電磁盤並再度擴大規模。隨著時間的變化,台灣經歷了中美斷交及能源危機的衝擊,本公司 均能穩健發展而安然渡過。民國76年(西元1987年)公司因業務量大增,再度擴廠並更名為「光達磁性工業有限 公司」,隔年配合磨床業的需求,研發出輕薄型且磁力更平均的標準型(GI)電磁盤及放電加工機(EDM)用的永 久磁盤(GL)。 民國78年(西元1989年)將銑床用的電磁盤,改良為更適用的超強力電磁盤(GLEA),隨後陸續推出凸輪式 吊重磁盤(GP),並研發出細目型電磁盤(GIW),且增加高週波設備,提高磁盤的精密度及防水度。之後陸續研 發細目永久磁盤(GLW)、永久電磁盤(GLI)、開關式吊盤(GPL)、真空吸盤等各類磁性應用工具,並配合各行 業需求,開發出各種專用工具。如:鐵板分離器、導磁塊、磁性座、磁性濾清機、磁性滾輪…等超過百種以上 的產品。 本公司早期業務以國內機械製造廠搭配為主,隨著國際貿易的發展,透過機械業者及貿易商通路,產品行 銷全球40餘國,讓台灣的產品發揚光大,實現光達公司當初命名時的初衷。目前更不斷的開發新產品,並到世 界各地參觀展覽,吸取更多新型機器及產品的技術,藉此將光達的產品推向世界各地。並協助台灣產業,朝向 更高階方向發展,以更高品質及效率,向世界宣揚台灣機械產業實力。 The company was founded in 1966 as named in Guang Dar Machining Shop and permanent type magnetic chuck was the major product at the time. The first generation of electrical magnetic chuck was developed in 1971 to meet a demand for large size grinding machine which got a very well reputation. Later on, the scale of company became bigger and its name was changed to Guang Dar Industrial Ltd. The first generation of electrical magnetic chuck for planning and milling machines was presented in 1977. As times altered, Guang Dar got through the impacts and developed stably from both of diplomacy and energy crises during that critical time in Taiwan. The name of company was changed to the present one as -- Guang Dar Magnet Industrial Ltd. in 1987 for further bigger scale of space as well as its business. For cooperation to grinding machine demand, a much thinner and lighter and more even on the magnetic field of Standard Electromagnetic Chuck (GI) as well as the Permanent Magnetic Chuck (GL) for EDM machine were presented the following year. The presentation of Super Powerful Electromagnetic Chuck (GLEA) improved by an electrical magnetic chuck to be more suitable for milling machine was in 1989 and then Cam-type Permanent Lifting Magnetic Chuck (GP), Fine-pole Electromagnetic Chuck (GIW) came out later. High-frequency equipment was invested to improve accuracy and water-proof of products. One after another, Fine-pole Permanent Magnetic Chuck (GLW), Permanent Electromagnetic Chuck (GLI), On/Off Type Permanent Lifting Magnetic Chuck (GPL), Vacuum System (GJS) and all other kinds of application tool were presented to the public at the time. Over a hundred of tools were developed for customer use as: Magnetic Steel Sheet Separator (GS), Magnetic Induction Block (GT), Magnetic Stand, Magnetic Separator (GMC) and Magnetic Roller (GR) ...etc. Guang Dar worked collaboratively with tools industry at the early stage. Nowadays, through the channels of machinery industry and trading company, our product carrying a name of Taiwan-made sells to over 40 countries with a distinguished reputation. It has achieved the original expectation that Guang Dar was named by. To keep researching and developing new products & upgrading technology, to study more from exhibitions and listen closely to the customers, Guang Dar intends to work with the industry chain together to make much higher quality, much higher level of Taiwan products and machinery industry widely known to the global market. 公司簡介 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF GUANG DAR GUANG DAR B

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 底部 Bottom Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 開闢部份 Switch Type 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 B1 L1 P (H) (KG) GL-407 100×180 100 180 137 104 200 8.5 (2.5+6) 活動式六角扳手 MOVABLE HEXAGON WRENCH 73 10 GL-510 125×250 125 250 191 130 270 15 GL-612 150×300 150 300 245 156 320 21 GL-614 150×350 350 299 375 24 GL-618 150×450 450 389 475 31 GL-816 200×400 200 400 335 206 420 36 GL-818 200×450 450 389 475 39 GL-820 200×500 500 443 520 固定式扳手 FIXED WRENCH 45 GL-824 200×600 600 533 620 53 GL-1020 250×500 250 500 417 254 530 18 (3+15) 活動式六角扳手 MOVABLE HEXAGON WRENCH 90 64 GL-1224 300×600 300 600 525 304 630 90 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 標準型永磁盤 GL TYPE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK 磁場強度 450 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 450 GAUSS 用途: 適用於平面磨床、放電加工機、鑽銑複合機上之研磨或輕切削 。 特點﹕ 發揮永久性之強磁力,不需使用電源,無漏電之顧慮。 作業面板經焊錫處理,可防止滲水、滲油。 活動扳手使用方便,不佔空間。 APPLICATION: Suitable for grinding and light cutting on surface grinder, EDM and drilling & milling machine. FEATURES﹕ The magnetic force is not required by supply power source so no electricity leakage trouble. The face plate is made under soldering treatment to prevent water or oil leakage. Adjustable spanner is convenient to use and occupied few space only. OFF ON B1 B 40 18 H L L2 L1 11 P GUANG DAR 01

磁場強度 500 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 500 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床、EDM及各種輕加工用。 特點﹕ 對小型及薄型工件有極佳之吸著。 內部特殊設計,可延長使用壽命。 主體結構穩定,所以精度良好。 APPLICATION: Applicable to EDM and various light machining of grinding machines . FEATURES﹕ Excellent holding capacity for small and thin workpieces. Special interior design to prolong durable life. Stable structure secures satisfactory accuracy. Dimension:in supply 規格:陸續推出中 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 底座 Bottom Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 高度 Height 重量(KG) Weight W L L1 W L GLW-407A 100×175 100 175 130 100 175 2 (1+1) 47 7 GLW-510A 125×250 125 250 205 125 250 12 GLW-606A 150×150 150 150 101 150 150 11 GLW-612A 150×300 300 255 300 19 GLW-614A 150×350 350 305 350 22 GLW-616A 150×400 400 355 400 25 GLW-618A 150×450 450 405 450 28 GLW-816A 200×400 200 400 355 200 400 48 34 GLW-818A 200×450 450 405 450 39 GLW-820A 200×500 500 454 500 43 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 迴轉座 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 L2 A B t F L1 d (H) (KG) GLU-510B 125×250 125 250 191 8.5 (2.5+6) 50 35 17 96 380 16 150 26 GLU-612B 150×300 150 300 245 430 36 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 可傾式永磁盤 GLU-B TYPE PERMANENT MAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK 細目型永磁盤 GLW-A TYPE FINE-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK L H W 18 L1 P 20 磁場強度 450 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 450 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床、放電加工機、磨刀機…等輕切削研磨。 特點﹕ 由刻度環之刻度可容易加工,工件之角度成型。 磁盤之本體和主軸之一體成型研磨,故精度高。 角度固定插梢為圓弧形,不傷害主軸之真圓度。 APPLICATION: Suitable for light cutting and grinding on surface grinder, EDM and cutter finishing machine. FEATURES﹕ Easy for working of angle workpiece by the aid of graduation dial. Integrated molding of chuck and spindle with high accuracy. The shape of pin is arc which can protect the round spindle from being damaged. L L1 L2 P a b t F H d B GUANG DAR 02

用途: 裝設於迴轉磨床上操作使用。 特點﹕ 可作較小及薄的工件之精密研磨,殘留磁性低,可自由調整磁 力強弱。 APPLICATION: Suitable for rotary grinders FEATURES﹕ Suitable for grinding of small and thin workpieces. Low residual magnetism, Magnetic strength can be adjusted 磁場強度 450 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 450 GAUSS 用途: 適用於車床、羅大利磨床、放電加工機及第四軸上之研磨或 輕切削。 APPLICATION: Suitable for light cutting and grinding on lathe, grinder, EDM and the Rotary Table. 單位:mm 型號 Model 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底座 Bottom Plate 高度 Height 重量 Weight B t1 L1 P A A1 L0 t2 (H) (KG) GLC-06 162 21 101 9 (2+7) 155 170 200 21 74~78 9 GLC-08 203 137 155 170 210 14 GLC-10 252 191 190 210 260 19 GLC-12 303 227 190 210 310 28 其餘規格尺寸可訂製 OTHER OPTIONS *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 單位:mm 型號 Model 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底座 Bottom Plate 高度 Height 重量 Weight B t L1 P D2 K Dp n-d (H) (KG) GLC-04A 100 18 67 2(1+1) 60 2 76 M6 x 3 64 3.7 GLC-05A 125 80 80 2 112 M6 x 3 6.2 GLC-06A 160 115 125 2 140 M8 x 4 9.5 GLC-08A 200 155 160 2 180 M8 x 4 15 GLC-10A 250 205 200 2 224 M10 x 4 63 23 GLC-12A 300 255 230 2 260 M10 x 4 36 GLC-14A 360 300 280 3 320 M10 x 4 51 GLC-16A 400 340 315 3 355 M10 x 4 64 GLC-20A 500 20 440 4 ( 1+3) 350 4 400 M12 x 4 65 105 GLC-24A 600 540 450 4 500 M12 x 4 147 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 圓型永磁盤 GLC TYPE ROUND PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK 圓型細目永久磁盤 GLC-A TYPE ROUND FINE-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK A 5 L0 P.C.D A1 M10 X 深16 X 3孔 H t2 t1 L1 P B P t H 10 K D2 Dp n-d L1 B GUANG DAR 03

用途: 適用於車床、圓筒磨床、旋轉磨床等工作母機,研削及車削等加工作業。 特性: 吸力平均,無弱磁點、精度穩定,保證無變形量,持久耐用,防水性能佳,可任意調整磁場 強度。 可在中心孔處鉆孔,加入冶具,增加內孔夾持力。 或利用導塊將工件加高,方便加工。 APPLICATION: suitable for milling and grinding on lathes、cylindrical grinders 、rotary grinders. Features: Average holding power, no weak magnetism point, stable accuracy, no deformation, durable, good waterproof performance, Magnetic strength can be adjusted. Can be drilled at a center, adding fixture to increase the holding power. Or using induction block to increase the height of workpiece to process easily. 用途: 使用於整疊薄鐵板之分離,或可變更於鐵屑分離使用。 特性: 利用磁極同性相斥之原理,使難以分開之薄鐵板能輕易取出。 亦可使用於小型輸送帶上做鐵屑分離之作業。 APPLICATION: Suitable for separating a pile of thin iron plates or for chips separation. Features: By the principle of mutual repulsion between same magnetic poles, this item enables easy separation of thin iron plates. Also usable for chips separation on the small belt conveyor. 單位:mm 型號 Model 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底座 Bottom Plate 高度 Height 重量 Weight D1 de P1 D2 k n d Dp (H) (KG) GLC-04S 104 16 8 60 4 M6 4 80 65 4.2 GLC-05S 130 16 80 4 M8 4 112 6.6 GLC-06S 162 125 4 M8 4 140 10.2 GLC-08S 202 19 160 4 M8 4 180 70 17.1 GLC-10S 250 200 4 M10 4 224 26.2 GLC-13S 320 18 250 4 M10 4 280 43.2 GLC-14S 360 280 4 M12 4 320 55 GLC-16S 400 315 4 M12 4 355 67 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 強力圓型星目永久磁盤 GLC-S TYPE POWERFUL ROUND STAR-POLE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK D1 H 22 K 3 Dp n-d D2 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 重量 NET Weight L W H H1 H2 DP φD (KG) GS-1 130 125 65 35 53 85 8 2 KGS GS-2 210 155 65 35 53 80 8 3.8 KGS GS-4 250 215 75 47 60 150 11 12 KGS GS-5 87 74 55 35 45 35 8 1 KGS GS-6 87 133 60 35 50 56 8 2.2 KGS 鐵板分離器 GS TYPE MAGNETIC STEEL SHEET SEPARATOR DP H2 W H L ØD H1 薄鐵板 GUANG DAR 04 12 30 24 40 46 70

標準型(強力型)磁性座 GMB TYPE Standard (Powerful) Magnetic Base GMB-S TYPE GMB-SDIA GMB-S GMB-80 單位:mm 中文品名 型號 MODEL L W H 拉脫力 capacity 主桿 MAIN STEM 副桿 BRANCH STEM KG 磁性表桿 GMB-80L 60 50 55 40 D12 X 175 D10X160 1.35 微調磁性表桿 GMB-80LV 60 50 55 40 D12 X 175 D10X160 1.4 萬向磁性表桿 GMB-1210-340 60 50 55 40 D12 X 175 D10X160 340總長 1.45 萬向磁性表桿 GMB-1210-150 38 30 35 20 D13.5X80 D11X60 150總長 0.35 萬向磁性表桿 GMB-1210-285 60 50 55 40 D13.8X145 D11X110 285總長 1.45 V型座 GMB-70V 70 54 73 40 固定孔 1.2 磁性座 GMB-80 62 50 55 40 M8X1.25 1.2 磁性座 GMB-90 62 50 55 40 M8X1.25 1.2 磁性座 GMB-100 83(74) 50 55 45 M8X1.25 1.4 磁性座 GMB-120 120 50 55 60 M8X1.25 1.5 磁性座-強力 GMB-S 62 50 55 110 M8X1.25 1.25 磁性座-強力 GMB-180 83(74) 50 55 110 M8X1.25 1.25 砂輪修整座-80 GMB-12 62 50 55 40 M8X1.25 1.25 砂輪修整座-100加筆座 GMB-100D12 83(74) 50 55 45 M8X1.25 1.25 砂輪修整座-120加筆座 GMB-120D12 120 50 55 60 M8X1.25 1.25 磁性座-強力加筆座 GMB-S12 62 50 55 110 M8X1.25 1.35 砂輪修整座-80附四角座 GMB-12DIA 62 50 55 40 M8X1.25 1.35 砂輪修整座-強力附四角基座 GMB-12SDIA 62 50 55 110 M8X1.25 1.35 中文品名 型號 MODEL L W H 拉脫力 capacity 材質 material KGS 磁性方塊 GF-31-1 100 100 100 30 鋁 8 磁性方塊 GF-32-1 150 150 150 30 鋁 23 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. GMB-1210-285 GMB-1210-340 GMB-80L GMB-80LV GMB-12DIA GMB-12 GMB-80+T-BAR GF-31 GUANG DAR 05

圓型電磁盤 GIC TYPE ROUND ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 梅花型 細目型 特殊 直線型 五極分段圓型電磁盤 1/4圓 選購配件:碳刷座組 Model:GIC Dimension:Options 規格;訂製 磁場強度 800 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 800 GAUSS 用途: 適合車床、羅大利磨床等加工用。 特點﹕ 特殊加工件可依需要設計吸著面。 本型磁盤需配合碳刷座使用。 APPLICATION: Suitable for working on lathe and rotary grinder. FEATURES﹕ Custom surface design request for special workpieces is available. This chuck should be used with carbon brush. GUANG DAR 06

標準(強力)磁座 GLW-C TYPE STANDARD (POWERFUL) PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK 特點: 多面吸磁面,吸力超強,可吸特小型薄型工件。 可用於90°加工之冶具。 可用二組磁座做交換盤之加工(一組加工中,一組機台外校正吸持作業)。 磁力可隨工件厚薄調整強弱,移動工件校正位置,減少工件變形。 可用於精密量測冶具。 最重要的一點是本磁座獲得特別專利,OFF時無太大的殘餘磁力可輕易的將工 件取下。 GLW-C7 (Powerful)正常出貨時尺寸是70X70X200mm是沒有底板的,如需時 請詢價時要註明。 FEATURES: Fine-Pole pitch design offering super holding capacity, can hold smaller and thinner workpiece. Triple- side magnetic field design, can apply to 90 degrees processing, or install to a 90 degree tools for such process. Use two magnetic chucks for quick workpiece swapping to save workpiece installation time. (For example, one is in processing, another one is off-line for working piece loading, then swaps the two magnetic chucks to save the processing time.). Magnetic force adjustable function - according to work piece size, thickness to adjust magnetic force to prevent workpiece distortion. With this function, provides you easy workpiece location and holding adjustment. Available to install a magnetic precision tooling on the chuck for additional application use. Patented product and design, low residual magnetism, provides you easy workpiece unloading ability after processing. The regular specification of GLW-C7 is 70*70*200mm, excluding the base plate. If you need it, please inform us while making inquiry. GLW-C4 (Standard) 專利號 新型第M254296號 GLW-C7 (Powerful) L L1 L2 45 8 L2 H2 W 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 底(側)座 Bottom Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 高度 Height 重量 Weight W L1 W L2 L P H KG GLW-C4 190×45 45 190 45 40 270 2(1+1) 53 3 GLW-C7 200×70 70 200 70 50 300 2(1+1) 82 7 *型錄上尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 200,00 70,00 35,00 15,00 5,00 5,00 225,00 磁場強度約:500 GAUSS 磁場強度約:1000 GAUSS GUANG DAR 07

GDS-50A-S GDS-50A-IN GDS-50A chuck controller with wire-control system 永磁電磁盤 GLI TYPE PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 磁盤控制器 GDS TYPE CHUCK CONTROLLER 用途: 適用於模具加工,CNC工具機等長時間吸磁之加工。 特點﹕ 吸磁1.5秒,逆磁1.5秒,增加工作效率。 不因瞬間停電而喪失吸力導致工件損壞及傷害工作人員 因無電力負載,所以省電,不發熱。 無磁盤因發熱產生的致命傷-熱變形,所以精度高(1um)以內。 不易變形,所以不用常常修整磁盤面,增加磁盤壽命。 APPLICATION: Suitable for CNC machine center. FEATURES﹕ Magnetizes in 1.5 seconds and demagnetizes in 1.5 seconds, increasing working efficiency. Instant power outage will not damage workpieces or hurt the operator. Saves electricity and "no" heat problems. No deformation, high-accuracy performance(within 1um). Long operating Life. Power shuts off automatically after magnetizing. Magnetism is able to last a very long time. GUANG DAR 08

L H W L 10 50 M M L M 50 10 10 50 50 H 20 H 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 H 20 10 單位:mm 尺寸規格表 Dimension Specifications 型號 Model 寬 W 長 L 高度 H 磁極數 Pole Pcs 磁距 Pole Distance 中柱 Interval 控制器 TYPE Chuck Controller 淨重 N.W. 輸出電壓 Output Voltage GLI-2443 240 430 67 18 10 0 1N1C 46 DC 160V GLI-2449 240 490 67 21 10 0 1N1C 52 GLI-2461 240 610 67 27 10 0 1N1C 64 GLI-2479 240 790 67 36 10 0 1N1C 84 GLI-2495E 240 950 70 42 10 1 1N2C 105 GLI-3031 300 310 67 16 10 0 1N1C 41 GLI-3043 300 430 67 24 10 0 1N1C 57 GLI-3061 300 610 67 36 10 0 1N1C 81 GLI-3083E 300 830 70 48 10 1 1N2C 115 GLI-3095E 300 950 72 56 10 1 1N2C 135 GLI-4243 420 430 67 36 10 0 1N1C 80 GLI-4259E 420 590 67 48 10 1 1N2C 110 GLI-4283E 420 830 70 72 10 1 1N2C 161 GLI-42105E 420 1050 72 90 10 2 1N3C 210 GLI-4859E 480 590 72 56 10 1 1N2C 135 GLI-4881E 480 810 72 77 10 2 1N3C 185 GLI-4899E 480 990 78 98 10 2 1N3C 235 GLI-48115E 480 1150 75 112 10 3 1N4C 273 GLI-6059E 600 590 75 72 10 1 1N2C 175 GLI-6081E 600 810 75 99 10 2 1N3C 241 GLI-60115E 600 1150 78 144 10 3 1N4C 355 客製化 Customization 磁盤控制器 Chuck Controller 型號 Model 輸出 Output 類型 Type 輸入電壓 Input Voltage 輸出電壓 Output Voltage 尺寸 Dimension(mm) 淨重 N.W (kg) W × L × H GDS-50A 50A IN AC 220V DC 160V 220×150×75mm 2.1 KG GDS-50A 50A S AC 220V DC 160V 210×160×95mm 2.3 KG GDS-50A 50A 1N1C AC 220V or AC 380V or AC 400V or AC415V DC 160V 線控盒 Wire-control box: 150×110×50mm 線長 The length of wire: 2500mm 控制器 Chuck Controller: 280×290×150mm 1 KG GDS-50A 50A 1N2C DC 160V GDS-50A 50A 1N3C DC 160V GDS-50A 50A 1N4C DC 160V 5.5 KG SGDS-50A 50A N×N / N×C DC 160V 訂製品 Customized Product *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. GUANG DAR 09

磁場強度 900 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 900 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床作業等之輕切削及長時間吸磁之加工。 特點: 吸磁1.5秒,逆磁1.5秒,增加工作效率。 不因瞬間停電而喪失吸力導致工件損壞及傷害工作人員,安全性增加。 因無電力負載,吸磁後立即斷電,可長時間保持吸力,所以省電。不發熱,沒有內 部溫升,不易變形所以精度高,也不用常常修整磁盤面,增加磁盤壽命。 面板係由多道防水處理,增加面板強度,及防水性。 對薄型及小型工件排列成面之相互吸引著有良好之效果,吸著力較大。 APPLICATION : Suitable for light milling and grinding machines. FEATURES: Specially designed for smaller and thinner workpiece, with super power magnetism. Saves electricity, magnetizes 1.5 seconds and demagnetizes 1.5 seconds, lasts long-run magnetism for operation. No deformation, high-accuracy performance . Enforce face plate and main body intensity and multi-waterproof. 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 安置面 Bottom Plate 電壓 Voltage 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 H P B L1 t (DC) (H) (KG) GLIW-612 150X300 150 300 240 25 FOR GLIW =4(1+3) FOR GLIW-A =2(1+1) 150 300 18 160 V 88 30 GLIW-816 200X400 200 400 340 200 400 53 GLIW-818 200X450 200 450 400 200 450 60 GLIW-820 200X500 200 500 440 200 500 67 GLIW-1020 250X500 250 500 440 250 500 83 GLIW-1224 300X600 300 600 540 300 600 120 GLIW-1628 400X700 400 700 640 400 700 186 GLIW-1632 400X800 400 800 740 400 800 213 GLIW-2040 500X1000 500 1000 940 500 1000 95 350 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 細目型永磁電磁盤 GLIW TYPE FINE-POLE PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 極細目型永磁電磁盤 GLIW-A TYPE FINE-LINE PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK L L2 L1 H t H1 B 5 P GUANG DAR 10

磁場強度 900 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 900 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床、龍門磨床等輕研磨及輕切削之加工 。 特點: 吸磁1.5秒,逆磁1.5秒,增加工作效率。 不因瞬間停電而喪失吸力導致工件損壞及傷害工作人員,安全性增加。 因無電力負載,吸磁後立即斷電,可長時間保持吸力,所以省電。不發 熱,沒有內部溫升、不易變形所以精度高,也不用常常修整磁盤面,增 加磁盤壽命。 面板係由多道防水處理,增加面板強度,及防水性佳。 龍門磨床上可多塊合併使用。 APPLICATION : Suitable for light grinding and light cutting on grinder double housing grinding machines. FEATURES: Saves eletricity,magnetizes 1.5 seconds and demagnetizes 1.5 seconds,lasts long-run magnetism for operation. No deformation,high-accuracy performance. Enforce face plate and main body intensity and multi-water-proof. Available for use of muiti-chucks on the double housing gringder. 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底部 Bottom Plate 電壓 Voltage 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 H1 P B L1 t (DC) (H) (KG) GLII-816 200X400 200 400 344 25 16(3+13) 200 400 18 160V 88 49 GLII-820 200X500 200 500 445 200 500 18 61 GLII-1020 250X500 250 500 445 250 500 18 77 GLII-1224 300X600 300 600 541 300 600 18 110 GLII-1428 350X700 350 700 628 21.5(4+17.5) 350 700 18 150 GLII-1628 400X700 400 700 628 400 700 18 172 GLII-1632 400X800 400 800 739 400 800 18 197 GLII-1640 400X1000 400 1000 929 25(4+20) 400 1000 18 95 266 GLII-2040 500X1000 500 1000 929 500 1000 18 333 GLII-2048 500X1200 500 1200 1134 500 1200 18 100 420 GLII-2060 500X1500 500 1500 1420 500 1500 18 100 525 GLII-2440 600X1000 600 1000 929 600 1000 18 100 420 GLII-2448 600X1200 600 1200 1134 600 1200 18 100 504 GLII-2460 600X1500 600 1500 1420 600 1500 18 100 630 GLII-3260 800X1500 800 1500 1420 800 1500 18 100 840 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 標準型永磁電磁盤 GLII TYPE Standard PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK L L2 L1 H t H1 B 5 P GUANG DAR 11

永磁式磁力工作塊 GMV-S TYPE MAGNETIC BLOCK UNIT GMV-SD TYPE 特點: 全新專利設計。GMV系列將磁極分開減少鐵屑的吸附及分散操作時的扭力。 GMV擁有二段式開關(強磁及弱磁)可應用,方便讓工件做位置的調整以及精銑或 精磨的作業。 本產品分單面吸磁(GMV-S)及雙面吸磁(GMV-SD)兩部分。 A.GMV-S可用於固定位置的加工(較少移動變換位置),固定方式可用壓板將 GMV-S固定於工作台上,實施吸夾磁動作。 B.GMV-SD 為本系的最優良設計,其特點為上、下兩面可分開單獨操作。在 GMV-SD可移動至任何位置後將下吸磁面用磁力固定在工作台上,節省移動時 上下螺絲固定的時間。如果使用在重切削上,可再以壓板固定,雙重保障。 GMV系列附有替換式中碳鋼材質導磁條,可於加工時作修整及鑽銑等等的多功能 使用。 FEATURES: Magnetic block unit is a new patent design. Magnetic block unit can separate magnetic pole to reduce absorption of iron chips and torsion of operation. Its switch has two-stage including weak and strong magnetic force. The low magnetic force is easier to adjust the position of work piece. GMV can be used for precision milling or grinding process. This series has two models: single-faced magnetic block unit (GMV-S) and double-faced magnetic block unit (GMV-SD). A.GMV-S is suitable for processing which needn’t change position frequently. It can be fixed on working table by a clamping plate and then begin magnetizing. B.GMV-SD is the most excellent design of this series. Its feature is each faced magnet can be operated separately. Magnetic block unit can be moved to any position and the underneath-faced magnet can be fixed on working table by magnetic force. It is easy to move and can save time on screwing it. While dealing with heavy cutting, it also can be fixed by a clamping plate, so as to ensure safety. A substitute induction bar is made of medium-carbon steel which accompanies with the magnetic block unit. While processing, it can be used in modifying, boring and milling and so on, because of its multi-function. PS. 可搭配面板使用,成為強力永磁盤(如範例GMV-6SP)。 The Magnetic Block Unit can be used with this faceplate to become a powerful permanent chuck. (such as the example GMV-6SP) 單位:mm 型號 Model 規格尺寸 Dimension 總高 Height 總長 Length 前後距離 Front & back Distance 側排距離 Side Distance 最小工件 Min. thinkness 最大 夾持力 Max. Holding Power 淨重 Net Weight 磁盤面 Face Plate 底座 BOTTOM PLATE 含導塊 Including Induction Block 含軸心 Including axis 長(L) 寬(w) 長(L1) 寬(w1) H L2 Max. Min. Max. Min. KGF KG GMV-3S 157 132 157 161 80 228 300 30 500 60 20 900 15 GMV-6S 230 162 230 192 100 303 500 60 950 100 25 1900 32 GMV-3SD 157 135 157 168 140 228 300 30 500 60 20 900 25 GMV-6SD 230 162 230 192 175 303 500 60 950 100 25 1900 53 GMV-6SP 230 162 230 200 195 228 Face Plate Custom-Made﹕面板訂製品 38 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. GMV-SD GMV-6SP GMV-S OFF . ! Warning OK X MAG. min MAG. max MAGNETIC BLOCK UNIT OFF . ! Warning OK X MAG. min MAG. max MAGNETIC BLOCK UNIT W W1 H L2 L 15 GUANG DAR 12

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底部 Bottom Plate 電壓 Voltage 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 H1 P B L1 t (DC) (H) (KG) GI-618 150×450 150 450 403 23 16 (3+13) 150 450 16 90V (60V-110V) 74 32 GI-816 200×400 200 400 344 16 (3+13) 200 400 16 38 GI-820 200×500 200 500 445 22 (4+18) 200 500 16 47 GI-1020 250×500 250 500 445 16 (3+13) 250 500 16 59 GI-1224 300×600 300 600 541 16 (3+13) 300 600 16 86 GI-1428 350×700 350 700 628 21.5 (4+17.5) 350 700 18 116 GI-1628 400×700 400 700 628 21.5 (4+17.5) 400 700 18 133 GI-1632 400×800 400 800 739 21 (4+17) 400 800 20 152 GI-1640 400×1000 400 1000 929 25 21.5 (4+17.5) 400 1000 20 205 GI-2040 500×1000 500 1000 929 21.5 (4+17.5) 500 1000 20 81 254 GI-2048 500×1200 500 1200 1134 22 (4+18) 500 1200 20 81 320 GI-2060 500×1500 500 1500 1420 24 (4+20) 500 1500 22 88 418 GI-2440 600×1000 600 1000 929 21.5 (4+17.5) 600 1000 20 81 320 GI-2448 600×1200 600 1200 1134 22 (4+18) 600 1200 20 81 385 GI-2460 600×1500 600 1500 1420 24 (4+20) 600 1500 22 88 522 GI-3260 800×1500 800 1500 1420 24 (4+20) 800 1500 22 88 671 *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 標準型電磁盤 GI TYPE STANDARD ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 磁場強度 450 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 450 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床、龍門磨床等輕研磨及輕切削之加工。 特點﹕ 面板經特別焊錫處理,確保接縫之完整。 本體係由整塊鐵板挖出線槽,改良一般焊接本體之漏水及變形問題。 內部多重絕緣,保護線圈之壽命。 龍門磨床上可多塊合併使用。 APPLICATION: Suitable for light grinding and light cutting on grinder and double housing grinder. FEATURES﹕ Plate is made under special soldering treatment to secure perfect soldering joint. The body is a mono iron plate with line groove to prevent the water leakage and transformation. Multi-insulated interior ensures long coil life. Available for use of multi-chucks on the double housing grinder. B H H1 t L L1 L2 P 5 GUANG DAR 13

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底部 Bottom Plate 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L C L2 P B1 L1 t (H) (KG) GLEA-816 200×400 200 400 172 340 26 (6+20) 200 450 18 108 56 GLEA-820 200×500 200 500 172 440 23 (6+17) 200 550 18 108 70 GLEA-1020 250×500 250 500 216 440 23 (6+17) 250 550 20 108 90 GLEA-1224 300×600 300 600 266 540 23 (6+17) 300 650 20 108 118 GLEA-1632 400×800 400 800 360 740 32 (8+24) 400 850 23 115 236 GLEA-1640 400×1000 400 1000 360 930 35 (8+27) 400 1050 23 115 308 GLEA-2040 500×1000 500 1000 455 930 35 (8+27) 500 1050 23 115 385 GLEA-2048 500×1200 500 1200 455 1140 36.5 (8+28.5) 500 1250 23 115 456 GLEA-2060 500×1500 500 1500 455 1440 36.5 (8+28.5) 500 1550 25 120 603 GLEA-2440 600×1000 600 1000 554 930 35 (8+27) 600 1050 23 118 450 GLEA-2448 600×1200 600 1200 554 1140 37 (8+29) 600 1250 23 120 554 GLEA-2460 600×1500 600 1500 554 1440 36.5 (8+28.5) 600 1550 25 120 724 OPTIONS *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 超強力型電磁盤 GLEA TYPE SUPER POWERFUL ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 磁場強度 1200 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 1200 GAUSS 用途: 適用於銑床、鑽床、刨床等重切削之作業。 特點﹕ 磁場集中達到超強之吸著力。 可依工件之特殊形狀設計間距。 吸著面之尺寸可依客戶需要設計成一體或多塊組合型。 特殊高度、電壓可以訂製。 APPLICATION: Suitable for heavy cutting on milling machine, drilling machine and planer. FEATURES﹕ The concentrated magnetic field provides super holding capability. Custom pitch design is available according to special shape of workpiece. The holding surface size can be designed to be a monoblock assembly or multiblock combination depending on customer's request. Special voltage and height are available upon request. GUANG DAR 14

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 底部 Bottom Plate 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 P B L1 t (H) (KG) GLZ-510 125×250 125 250 195 17 (3+14) 125 290 18 103 22 GLZ-612 150×300 150 300 235 18.5 (3+15.5) 150 340 18 103 31 GLZ-816 200×400 200 400 346 18 (3+15) 200 440 18 105 56 GLZ-820 200×500 200 500 445 19 (4+15) 200 540 18 105 70 GLZ-1020 250×500 250 500 441 19 (4+15) 250 540 20 107 90 GLZ-1040 250×1000 250 1000 944 21.5 (4+17.5) 250 1050 23 115 193 GLZ-1224 300×600 300 600 544 20 (4+16) 300 650 20 107 124 GLZ-1240 300×1000 300 1000 944 21 (4+17) 300 1050 23 115 231 GLZ-1632 400×800 400 800 739 21 (4+17) 400 850 23 115 236 GLZ-1640 400×1000 400 1000 940 24 (4+20) 400 1050 23 115 308 GLZ-1840 450×1000 450 1000 940 24 (6+18) 450 1050 23 115 346 GLZ-2040 500×1000 500 1000 940 26.5 (4+22.5) 500 1050 23 115 385 GLZ-2060 500×1500 500 1500 1440 24 (4+20) 500 1550 25 120 603 GLZ-2448 600×1200 600 1200 1132 24 (4+20) 600 1250 23 115 554 GLZ-2460 600×1500 600 1500 1440 27 (4+23) 600 1550 23 120 724 OPTIONS *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 強力型電磁盤 GLZ TYPE POWERFUL ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 此商品屬訂製品 This chuck is according customer’s requst to customize. 磁場強度 900 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 900 GAUSS 用途: 適用於立式及臥式研磨機台及鑽床、鑽銑複合機上。 特點﹕ 高度依磁盤大小設計,不易變形。 吸著力均勻分布適合作切割作業。 以銅做隔磁極,可確保吸著之平整,避免以不鏽鋼做隔磁 極發生之不鏽鋼浮凸之現象造成吸著減弱。 線圈及主體可依特殊材質之工件設計。 APPLICATION: Suitable for vertical grinder. horizontal grinder, drilling machine and drilling & milling machine. FEATURES﹕ The height is designed according to chuck size, never transformed. Even holding force, suitable for cutting operation. The magnetic pole is separated by brass, securing smooth and even holding force. Coil and chuck body can be designed depending on workpiece of special material. GUANG DAR 15

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 安置面 Bottom Plate 電壓 Voltage 電流 Current 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 H1 P B L1 t (DC) (A) (H) (KG) GIW-612 150×300 150 300 240 23 For GIW =4(1+3) For GIW-A =2(1+1) 150 300 18 90V (60V ~ 110V) 0.45 A 113 35 GIW-816 200×400 200 400 340 200 400 0.9 A 60 GIW-818 200×450 200 450 400 200 450 1.2 A 68 GIW-820 200×500 200 500 440 200 500 1.3 A 70 GIW-1020 250×500 250 500 440 250 500 1.4 A 90 GIW-1224 300×600 300 600 540 300 600 1.6 A 126 GIW-1628 400×700 400 700 640 400 700 3.2 A 215 GIW-1632 400×800 400 800 740 400 800 3.7 A 226 GIW-2040 500×1000 500 1000 940 26 500 1000 20 4.8 A 385 OPTIONS *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 細目型電磁盤 GIW TYPE FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 極細目型電磁盤 GIW-A TYPE FINE-LINE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 磁場強度 500 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 500 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床作業等之輕研削。 特點﹕ 面板係由錫塊焊錫填充,增加面板強度,及防水性。 對薄形及小型工件排列成面之相互吸引吸著有良好之效 果,吸著力較大。 可多塊合併成大面積使用。 特殊尺寸可以訂製。 APPLICATION: Suitable for light grinding on grinder. FEATURES﹕ The face plate is filled by soldering to reinforce plate intensity and water-resistance. Excellent holding effect for mutual holding among permutated thin and small workpieces surface. Available for use of multi-chuck combination to provide large holding area. Special sizes are available upon request. GIW GIW-A GUANG DAR 16

橫向細目型電磁盤 GIWE TYPE TRANSVERSE FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC CHUCK 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤作業面 間距 高度 重量 B L Le(Be) P H (kg) GLMR-404 105x105 105 105 69 6 (1+1) + (1+3) 60 5.2 GLMR-407 105x180 105 180 145 60 9.0 GLMR-408L 105x200 105 200 (69) 60 9.5 GLMR-612 150x300 150 300 266 60 21.0 GLMR-612L 150x300 150 300 (114) 60 21.0 超硬合金用永磁盤 GLMR TYPE PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCK FOR HARD ALLOY L Le H B (L) P (Be) (B) 用途: 針對特殊合金鋼較難吸磁之金屬材料能達到吸著之效著。 特點: 面板以硬焊處理,保證精度穩定。 強度達3500高斯以上,吸力超強。 無ON-OFF開關。 APPLICATION: Suitable for holding special alloy steel and carbide steel. FEATURES: Chuck plate with brazing treatment to ensure accuracy and stability. Magnetic field intensity is higher than 3500 gauss. Normal magnetic, no ON-OFF switch. 磁場強度 500 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 500 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床之研削作業。 特點﹕ 可針對特殊形狀或薄小型之工件,於固定吸著後,進行研磨。 可吸著小薄型之工作物,工件如果排滿緊靠效果最好。 APPLICATION: Suitable for grinding machine. FEATURES﹕ The special shape, thin and small work pieces held firmly on the surface of chuck will be good for grinding process. Placing several thin and small work pieces closely together can have excellent holding effect. GUANG DAR 17

單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 磁盤面 Face Plate 磁極間距 Pole Pitch 安置面 Bottom Plate 電壓 Voltage 電流 Current 高度 Height 重量 Weight B L L2 P d C F L1 (DC) (A) (H) (KG) GLUW-510B 125×250 125 250 190 15 (3+12) 16 100 96 380 90 V 0.35 A 150 34 GLUW-612B 150×300 150 300 240 430 0.45 A 43 GLUW-510A 125×250 125 250 190 4 (1+3) 16 100 96 380 90 V 0.35 A 150 34 GLUW-612A 150×300 150 300 240 430 0.45 A 43 GLUW-510AA 125×250 125 250 190 2 (1+1) 16 100 96 380 90 V 0.35 A 150 34 GLUW-612AA 150×300 150 300 240 430 0.45 A 43 OPTIONS *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 標準可傾式電磁盤 GLUW-B TYPE STANDARD ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK 細目可傾式電磁盤 GLUW-A TYPE FINE-POLE ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK 極細目可傾式電磁盤 GLUW-AA TYPE FINE-LINE ELECTROMAGNETIC ROTARY CHUCK 磁場強度 500 GAUSS 以上 Magnetic field intensity: Higher than 500 GAUSS 用途: 適用於磨床之角度研磨,及磨刀機之磨刀作業。 特點﹕ 易於設定旋轉角度。 採防水處理及FRP線圈座,絕緣良好,不易故障。 細目型之間隙小、磁場密集,可研磨較薄或較小及有角度 之加工物。 特殊尺寸可以訂製。 APPLICATION: Suitable for angle grinding on grinder and cutter finishing machine. FEATURES﹕ TEasy to set rotary angle. Water-resistant treatment and FRP coil holder provide excellent insulation. Tiny gap ensures dense magnetic field, be able to grind small and thin workpiece with angle. Special sizes are available upon request. GLUW-B GLUW-A GLUW-AA GUANG DAR 18

特殊規格可訂製 Special dimension is available upon request. 單位:mm 型號 Model 尺寸 Dimension 極性間距 Pole Pitch 重量 NET Weight L W H (KG) GT 100 50 25 6 (3+3) 1.3 kg GTV 50 65 47 1.3 kg GTV-1 100 60 47 1.4 kg *型錄上產品規格尺寸僅供參考,以本公司實際產品主為準,變更時恕不另行通知。 The specifications and dimensions of products in the catalogs are for reference only. Subject to be changed without any notice. 電丸 GR-A TYPE ELECTROMAGNETIC HOLDER 導磁塊 GT TYPE MAGNETIC INDUCTION BLOCK 用途: 自動沖床材料輸送專用,此種的機種是輸送材料可防止重疊發生,各種自動化機械及工 業機械手可使用。 特點: 電磁架磁力一吸ON一放OFF方便,大小可任意選用之。 APPLICATION﹕ Suitable for material delivery of automatic press to prevent material from overlapping. It’s also used for various automatic processes and industrial robots. FEATURES: It’s magnetic force ON(Attraction) / OFF(Release) can be conveniently turned as per your request. 特殊規格可訂製 Special dimension is available upon request. 單位:mm 型號 Model 直徑 φD 高度 H 固定孔 Rear Center Hole 電壓(V) DC V 電流(A) Current 最大吸著力 kgf 重量(KG) N.W. GR-2040A 20 40 M4×0.7 深 5 DC 24V 0.09 2.8 0.07 GR-3040A 30 40 M6×10 深 10 0.11 20 0.20 GR-4040A 40 40 M8×1.25 深 12 0.25 30 0.35 GR-5050A 50 50 M8×1.25 深 12 DC 80V 0.21 60 0.70 GR-6050A 60 50 0.38 120 1.20 GR-7060A 70 60 M10 深 16 0.45 180 1.80 GR-8060A 80 60 0.62 240 2.10 GR-9060A 90 60 0.80 330 2.70 GTV GTV-1 GT 用途: 使用於磁盤上導引磁極,方便工作物之輔助夾持。 特點﹕ 吸將導磁塊之磁極和磁盤之磁極平行放置,即可產生效 果,使用容易。 可將導磁塊做適合工件表面形狀的加工,惟加工深度不 可超過8mm。 APPLICATION: Used on the chuck to lead magnetic pole so as to enable easy hold of workpiece. FEATURES﹕ Excellent effect shall be fulfilled by putting the magnetic pole of magnetic-permeable block and that of chuck in parallel. Easy operation. Machining of magnetic-permeable block is available to meet workpiece shape, but machining shall always be within 8 mm. 6 100 25 50 L 47 60 90° GUANG DAR 19

整流器 GD-202 TYPE CHUCK CONTROLLER 整流器 G805 TYPE CHUCK CONTROLLER AC110V與220V共用,其他電壓可指定。 DC由10V~100V可自由調整,其電壓由數字顯示,故很容易找到所需之電壓。 具有IC消磁裝置消磁時間6秒至10秒。 加工物在磁盤之磁場範圍內方便加工物取下。 其容量電流為10A~30A。 備有同步吸磁接點可和機械之控制器配合,使機械只有在吸磁時才會動作,以提高安全性。 AC 110V and 220V compatible, others can be optional. DC 10V~100V adjustable, digital display, easy to set. With IC demagnetize installation, demagnetized time is 6sec.-10sec. When the workpiece is in the range of magnetic field of magnetic chucks, the workpiece with the magnetic field of the magnetic chuck can be removed conveniently. Current capacity is 10A~30A. The synchronous charge contact works the mechanical controller, so that the machine operates only when charge is activated to ensure the safety of the operator. AC110V與220V共用,其他電壓可指定。 DC由10V~100V可自由調整,其電壓由LED顯示,故很容易找到所需之電壓。 具有IC消磁裝置消磁時間6秒至10秒。 加工物在磁盤之磁場範圍內方便加工物取下。 其容量電流為10A~20A。 AC 110V and 220V compatible, others can be optional. DC 10V~100V adjustable, LED display, easy to set up. With IC demagnetize installation, demagnetized time is 6sec.-10sec. When the workpiece is in the range of magnetic field of magnetic chucks, the workpiece with the magnetic field of the magnetic chuck can be removed conveniently. Current capacity is 10A~20A. 單位:mm 型號 Model 輸入 Input Voltage 輸出 Output 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 淨重 Weight (Single Phase) Voltage Current L W H (KG) G805-10A 1. AC 110/220V DC 10-100V 10A 150 330 260 16 kg 2. AC 220/380V 3. AC 415V 4. AC 440V G805-15A 1. AC 220V 15A 20 kg 2. AC 380V 3. AC 415V 4. AC 440V G805-20A 1. AC 220V 20A 180 385 295 30 kg 2. AC 380V 3. AC 415V 4. AC 440V 單位:mm 型號 Model 輸入 Input Voltage 輸出 Output 尺寸 Dimension (mm) 淨重 Weight (Single Phase) Voltage Current L W H (KG) GD-202-10A 1. AC 110/220V DC 10-100V 10A 170 330 285 16.7 kg 2. AC 220/380V 3. AC 415V GD-202-12A 1. AC 110/220V 12A 19 kg 2. AC 220/380V 3. AC 415V GD-202-15A 1. AC 220/380V 15A 23 kg 2. AC 415V GD-202-20A 1. AC 220/380V 20A 220 380 335 30 kg 2. AC 415V GD-202-25A 1. AC 220/380V 25A 37 kg 2. AC 415V GD-202-30A 1. AC 220/380V 30A 45 kg 2. AC 415V GUANG DAR 20