
A002 目錄索引 INDEX 正河源股份有限公司創立於西元1992年,經營方針致力於CNC加工中心機週邊工具及 切削刀具,近年因應切削市場需求公司投入更多資源建立完善營運環境及先端製造設備 ,為機械加工業者提供更優質的產品品質及加工效率提升。在研發方向著重於未來智能 化製造相關週邊工具及切削刀具,人力資源投入方面結合科技大學共同培育未來切削領 域專業人才,在資源投入方面包括8250平方米現代辦公大樓及自動化製造廠區,歐洲日 本生產設備及檢驗設備等。因應未來科技發展高溫合金及非鐵金屬材料應用於各產業, 正河源經營團隊展現Cutting Edge Solution 快速解決客加工需求的專業與服務熱忱, 持續研發生產高效能切削刀具為機械加工業者提供最佳服務。 Proactive Advanced Manufacturing Chain Headway was founded in 1992 to develop and produce cutting tools and accessories for CNC machining centers. Our company has developed over the years to provide a stable production environment with advanced R&D and manufacturing capabilities. This is designed to provide cutting edge products and more efficient materials processing solutions for various types of industries. Our investment in R&D helps us to deliver the latest materials processing solutions for intelligent manufacturing to our customers. ● We are partnered with the University of Science & Technology developing a group of future Cutting professionals. ● We have a new 8250 square meter production facility which combines our office buildings with automated production facilities. ● Our production and inspection equipment is sourced from Japan and Europe to maintain the best possible quality and efficiency. Industry processing challenges are constantly evolving with the development of high temperature alloys and composite materials. Our management team is proactively addressing these evolving materials processing requirements to rapidly develop & provide customers with the latest material processing solutions and the best possible customer service. 與時俱進先端製造 Keep UpWith The Times & Proactive Advanced Manufacturing