
Feature MAS 迷你銑刀 Mini Indexable End Mill APKT060204 多刃型設計可提高加工效率 Multi-cutting-edge design improves machining efficiency. 刀具材質選用特殊鋼材,增強刀具穩定性 Made by special alloyed steel to enhance the stability of the cutting tool. 刃口強化,低阻力的高精度設計,適合斷續 切削 Low-resistance and high-precision design are good for interrupted cutting. 複合塗層,可提高刀片使用壽命 Composite coating helps to improve insert life. 尺寸從Ø10~Ø63均有刀具搭配,鎖牙式結構可結合碳化鎢鎖牙延長桿,針對小尺寸 及閃避干涉加工使用,適合電子產業及加工產業 The MAS type cutters are available from 10 to 63 mm. We also have screwed on type structure which can be combined with tungsten carbide extension. They are suitable for small and interference cutting expecially for electronics industries. 中心出水 Through Coolant