社群網絡平台分析 TBA news letter - 05 06 趨勢觀察分享 G i n a c l a s s @ INNOVATION 文、圖 總編輯張蕙娟指導暨羅立竣聯合撰搞 導讀前言   全球前百大社群平台,較為國人知曉的大多是 FB,我可以說那是屬於國際社交性社群平台,但是 在地性或是區域性的小眾型社交平台,常常是網友黏 著度高及具備特殊目的而產生的平台,這也是台灣中 小企業較少注重及思考運用的行銷工具。我建議如果 Company Introduction Introduction The top 100 popular social network from the article “105 Leading Social Networks Worldwide” can be divided into 4 different categories: general purpose social networks, lifestyle networks, anonymous social networks, and work or education related networks. Among those four categories, Work or Education-Related Network could be argued as the most practically topics. Many people in the United State are looking for jobs or intern- ships. These networks provide information for those opportunity. Although there are many job hunting websites out there, they aren’t friendly environments for the U.S. college students. Those students aren’t compete in fair competitions. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis- tics, the unemployment rate of the United State is around 4%. More specifically, the unemployment rate for age 20 to 24 is 8.2% which is almost double the rate of the nation’s unemployment rate. Also, the unemploy- ment rate for age 25 to 34 is 5% and age 35 to 44 is 4.3%. The unemployment rate performs a downward trend as the age increases. This shows that job opportunities provided for fresh graduates aren't as many as those for the 30s and 40s. This might be because the 30s have much more job experiences which resulted in unfair competition for college students. In addition, many students aren’t provided with enough work opportunities due to the place they live in College students who go to countryside colleges don’t have as much opportunity as students in the college town or major city. In order for students to have fair competition in the job field, to meet a wide array of potential employers, and to provide opportunities for every student, HandShake is founded. 企業已經選擇好市場銷售,那麼小眾社群平台也是值 得考慮運用的,因為小眾平台上的網友對於資訊的真 實性較重視,而所觸及到的對象也和國際型平台略有 不同,這也是本次推介大家了解美國大學生最多群聚 的HandShake平台的原因。 The founders of the company, Garrett Lord, Ben Christensen, and Scott Ringwelski want to provide every U.S. college students the equal opportunity to find their best job. Their story began in 2014; before they graduated from University of Michigan, they reunited with their friends from their hometown. Some of their friends went to local colleges or colleges close to countryside. The job opportunities their friends got aren’t as many as theirs. They believed their friends are all smart individuals and deserve better. Therefore, they didn’t think it’s fair that not every student have the same opportunity due to their college location. Therefore, they founded handshake to solve is inequality issue.   在社群平台全球前100大的排名中,我們已經發現不同社群定位就會群聚 不同目標的網友,因此本期專欄以新世代網友最有使用必要性的社群平台 handshake為主題分析,從平台定位文字jobs中可以看到求職目標是每位年 青世代必要的選擇,而且是人生首先一定要做的事,因此這平台的被重視度 就可想而知了。接續的internships也是求職者與公司企業非常在意的工作經 驗選項,當然interviews的致勝與模式,更是新世代在往求職路上必然要經歷 的關卡。而源於實名制的要求,就可以讓資訊的公證性得到保證,也讓這個 handshake平台的茁壯得到了基礎的石墩。   雖然本平台主要是提供求職者工作需求為目的,但是相對的也是企業在 這平台上如何塑造優質企業形象?進而吸引優質人才或是間接性地推廣企業 價值,更是本平台可以思考運用的重點,也是我推薦的原因。 Gina 導 讀 1 “We Believe that talent is distributed evenly, but opportunity is not"